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Marina Jack is wack

Just one woman’s opinion:

Marina Jack is wack. I believe the owners should just do the right thing and pay taxes.

Um, like the rest of us.

And until they do, I’m swearing to not step foot on MJ territory — I’m not going to support any of the business that runs on MJ non-tax-paying property. Not that they’ll miss me.

But they might miss a lot of us. Think about it.

Posted on November 18th, 2010Comments RSS Feed
3 Responses to Marina Jack is wack
  1. “like the rest of us.” 47% of American Households did not pay any income tax in 2009 according to this article

  2. I should have clarified — I meant property taxes. And even then, I should have been more clear — obviously not everyone is able to own property.

    Thanks for reading and for adding this element about income tax into the pic!

  3. MC, I believe, the City should re-evaluate the contract they have with Marina Jacks and offer not to re-new their existing non-exempt clause and order them to begin paying taxes in 2011. These are absolutely, the toughest, most challenging economic times since the Great Depression. No one and I mean NO ONE should be expempt from paying property taxes. If residents can eat P&J sanwiches in order to pay their property tax bill we’ve just received, then this should hold true for everyone. Marina Jack’s have ridden the free ride long enough. Now, it’s time to pay. It’s bad enough, they are able to hold 2/3rd’s of the parking for their restaurants. Matter of fact, the City should control the parking and all fees collected, would go directly to the City to help pay for the services they provide…..what’s that Marina Jack’s….I hear you crying all the way here…. Different story now, right?!

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